Game Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
md5sum: 1ca0e073a6e03e54b011d4a1b72255ca comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Dave Harris Added: 2009-06-25 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 05/24/2009 21:51:25 Uploaded by: (Ingolme) Game System: Microsoft XBox 360 Game Name: Sonic the Hedgehog Song Title: His World (Crush 40 Version) Sequenced by: Ingolme Other Information: Probably my best MIDI file up to date. I made good use of the pitch bend sensitivity to make everything sound exactly as it should, especially the guitar solo at the end. The Crush 40 remix doesn't actually appear in the game, since it was made after. It hasn't been put into any games up to date so it fits fine here. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 12 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- Crush 40 Created by Ingolme -Copyright Event Analysis- SEGA -Midi TrackName Analysis- His World Crush 40 version Guitar 1 Bass 1 Bass 2 Harmonics 1 Strings 1 Guitar 2 Guitar 3 Harmonics 2 Guitar 4 Percussion Cymbals