Area 2

Game Name: Bomberman '94 (Japan)

md5sum: 4511fdc554f3a2579c73a6e99777f7cd
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Uploaded by: Fernando Medina  System: Turbo-Grafx 16
Game Name: Bomberman '94 (Japan)
Song Title: Area 2
Sequenced by: Fernando Medina  Information: 
Hi, my name is Fernando Medina, and my nickname is Nando.

Your Web is good, I like it a lot. I have downloaded a lot of midis. And my
computer is sequencing all day!

I want to upload some midi games, (I'm making them yet) and I have uploaded
some C-64 midis. Now, I have sequenced a new midi, and I would like to see
it on your list.

This is the midi of Bomberman 94, for turbo grafx 16. It's the song of the
Area 2 of the game. I like it, and for that, I have made it into a midi
file.And here it is.

My email is:  TrackName Analysis:

Solo bass
Drum set
By: Fernando