
Game Name: Mortal Kombat

md5sum: 6429a4cfd899157a679ceda7f1686ddb
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Added by: Suds  Added: 2005-02-11

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 11/29/2004 22:55:59

Uploaded by:  (Zero Beats)

Game System: Windows
Game Name: Mortal Kombat 
Song Title: Victory 
Sequenced by: Zero Beats
Song Originally Composed by: Dan Forden
Other Information: Remake of the victory theme.  First one was poor, due to sound device I was using and settings I listened to MK in.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 3
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Text Analysis-
(Name Here) WINS
Flawless Victory.
Hrrr,  this arrangement took 3 min. to sequence.  I was searching for a decent instrument. Pie!

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Copyright  1992, 1994 by Midway, Sequenced 2003 and arranged 2004 by Zero Beats.

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Mortal Kombat "Victory midi sequenced for Microsoft