Game Name: Sonic Unleashed
md5sum: a0e41bd64fa208581f073e41b1bcfbce comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Daniel Lawrence Added: 2010-05-23 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 09/01/2009 21:35:46 Uploaded by: (qwertyabsol) Game System: Nintendo Wii Game Name: Sonic Unleashed Song Title: Planet Restored (Arranged) Sequenced by: qwertyabsol Other Information: That noise at the end...I dunno that would be there. It's a crash cymbol. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 9 Delta Time Setting: 1000 -Midi TrackName Analysis- French Horn Ensemble Crash Cymbal Tuned KIT- Orchestral Kit Timpani Tuba Saxophone Octet Orchestra Movements Mono Strings Velo