Select Screen Medley

Game Name: Mega Man 2

md5sum: a2165c4a3a4b53b01418b9078f92e709
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Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 1998-11-19

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (Trevor Kuprel)

Game System: Medley - Nintendo
Game Name: Mega Man 2
Song Title: Select Screen Medley
Sequenced by: Trevor Kuprel  Information: 
(Medleys and remixes are usually not accepted here at, but I must admit that this very-close-to-original setup is well-developed.
If anyone actually wishes to make such medleys, please keep it toward the game at hand, and be sure it's not something that we don't need...  -Peach)

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Mega Man 2
Sequenced by:
Trevor  1.0
July 21st, 1997
Best heard with SB AWE32
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