Main Theme (v2)

Game Name: Super Mario 3D World

md5sum: cd6589976625f74acdc376d4bf828270
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Added by: Jessica Claire
Date Added: 2017-06-17

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 05/10/2014 20:32:01

Uploaded by:  (Lu9)

Game System: Nintendo Wii U
Game Name: Super Mario 3D World
Song Title: Main Theme (v2)
Sequenced by: Lu9
Other Information: Yes.
What's new:
-Made the song loop
-Added guitar chords by Jonas Evant
-Fixed some stuff

And also, I use FL Studio to sequence all my MIDIs, and from now on, after making the MIDI, I will export it with another MIDI program called "MidiEditor", then I am allowed to add a Channel 0 Title, and now, instead of putting credits on Channel 16 (the classic "Game Name - Song Name - Sequenced by Lu9 - Enjoy :3" channel)
So, yeah, this one uses it.
I still gotta figure out a way to make MIDIs loop properly in Game Maker, because every MIDI I make, if played on Game Maker, will create silence at the end and then loop it. I don't know why.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 18
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) - Main Theme [Sequenced by Lu9]
Jazz Guitar by Jonas Evant
Clean Guitar
Warm Pad
Alto Sax
Alto Sax (Echo)
Electric Piano
Electric Piano (Echo)
High Trumpet
Brass Section
Finger Bass
Acoustic Bass
Acoustic Bass (Echo)
TR-808 Kit